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List of Publications


Steiner, S., Pliego-Mendieta, A., Haberecker, M., Hussung, S., Kollár, A., Fritsch, R., Arnold, F., Lenggenhager, D., Planas-Paz, L. & Pauli, C. Ex vivo modeling of acquired drug resistance in BRAF - mutated pancreatic cancer organoids uncovers individual therapeutic vulnerabilities. Cancer Lett 584, 216650 (2024).


Mohan, A. M., Prasad, S., Schmitz-Peiffer, F., Lange, C., Lukas, M., Koziolek, E. J., Albrecht, J.Messroghli, D., Stein, U., Ilmer, M., Wang, K., Schober, L., Reul, A., Maurer, J., Friemel, J., Weber, A., Zuellig, R. A., Hantel, C., Fritsch, R., Reincke, M., Pacak, K., Grossman, A. B., Auernhammer, C. J., Beuschlein, F., Brenner, W., Beindorff, N. and Nölting, S. Impact of the PI3K-alpha inhibitor alpelisib on everolimus resistance and somatostatin receptor expression in an orthotopic pancreatic NEC xenograft mouse model. Endocr Relat Cancer 31. (2024).


Rha, S. Y., Oh, D. Y., Yañez, P., Bai, Y., Ryu, M. H., Lee, J., Rivera, F., Alves, G. V., Garrido, M., Shiu, K. K., Fernández, M. G., Li, J., Lowery, M. A., Çil, T., Cruz, F. M., Qin, S., Luo, S., Pan, H., Wainberg, Z. A., Yin, L., Bordia, S., Bhagia, P. and Wyrwicz, L. S. Pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy versus placebo plus chemotherapy for HER2-negative advanced gastric cancer (KEYNOTE-859): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 24, 1181-1195. (2023).


Lauinger, M., Christen, D., Klar, R. F. U., Roubaty, C., Heilig, C. E., Stumpe, M., Knox, J. J., Radulovich, N., Tamblyn, L., Xie, I. Y., Horak, P., Forschner, A., Bitzer, M., Wittel, U. A., Boerries, M., Ball, C. R., Heining, C., Glimm, H., Fröhlich, M., Hübschmann, D., Gallinger, S., Fritsch, R., Fröhling, S., O'Kane, G. M., Dengjel, J. and Brummer, T. BRAF(Δβ3-αC) in-frame deletion mutants differ in their dimerization propensity, HSP90 dependence, and druggability. Sci Adv 9, eade7486. (2023).


Fritsch, R. and Hempel, C. L. [Intensification and Personalization of Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer]. Praxis (Bern 1994) 112, 537. (2023).


Cefalì, M., Scala, I., Pavone, G., Helbling, D., Hussung, S., Fritsch, R., Reiner, C., Stocker, S., Koeberle, D., Kissling, M., Chianca, V., Del Grande, F., De Dosso, S. & Rizzo, S. Is Computed-Tomography-Based Body Composition a Reliable Predictor of Chemotherapy-Related Toxicity in Pancreatic Cancer Patients? Cancers (Basel) 15. (2023).


Le Tourneau, C., Becker, H., Claus, R., Elez, E., Ricci, F., Fritsch, R., Silber, Y., Hennequin, A., Tabernero, J., Jayadeva, G., Luedtke, D., He, M., and Isambert, N. Two phase I studies of BI 836880, a vascular endothelial growth factor/angiopoietin-2 inhibitor, administered once every 3 weeks or once weekly in patients with advanced solid tumors. ESMO Open 7, 100576. (2022)


Schmid, S., Becker, H., Fritsch, R., Bausch, J., Hunter, N., Jenkner, C., Hassan, M., and Passlick, B. (2022). Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial on Pulmonary Metastasectomy vs. Standard of Care in Colorectal Cancer Patients With ≥ 3 Lung Metastases (PUCC-Trial). Front Oncol 12, 913896. (2022)


Gerger, A., Eisterer, W., Fuxius, S., Bastian, S., Koeberle, D., Welslau, M., Sanoyan, D.A., Maas, C., Uhlig, J., Fenchel, K., Greil, R., E, V.D.H., Agocs, G.R., Weide, R., Schwager, M., Reichenbach, F., Modest, D.P., and Fritsch, R. Retrospective Analysis of Treatment Pathways in Patients With BRAF(V600E)-mutant Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma - MORSE(CRC). Anticancer Res 42, 4773-4785. (2022)


Akhoundova, D., Hussung, S., Sivakumar, S., Töpfer, A., Rechsteiner, M., Kahraman, A., Arnold, F., Angst, F., Britschgi, C., Zoche, M., Moch, H., Weber, A., Sokol, E., and Fritsch, R.M. ROS1 genomic rearrangements are rare actionable drivers in microsatellite stable colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer 151, 2161-2171. (2022)


Akhoundova, D., Haberecker, M., Fritsch, R., Höller, S., Kiessling, M.K., Rechsteiner, M., Rüschoff, J.H., and Curioni-Fontecedro, A. Targeting ALK in Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Lung. Front Oncol 12, 911294. (2022)


Adamina, M., Warlaumont, M., Berger, M.D., Däster, S., Delaloye, R., Digklia, A., Gloor, B., Fritsch, R., Koeberle, D., Koessler, T., Lehmann, K., Müller, P., Peterli, R., Ris, F., Steffen, T., Weisshaupt, C.S., and Hübner, M. Comprehensive Treatment Algorithms of the Swiss Peritoneal Cancer Group for Peritoneal Cancer of Gastrointestinal Origin. Cancers (Basel) 14. (2022)


Pavic, M., Niyazi, M., Wilke, L., Corradini, S., Vornhülz, M., Mansmann, U., Al Tawil, A., Fritsch, R., Hörner-Rieber, J., Debus, J., Guckenberger, M., Belka, C., Mayerle, J., and Beyer, G. MR-guided adaptive stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) of primary tumor for pain control in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC): an open randomized, multicentric, parallel group clinical trial (MASPAC). Radiat Oncol 17, 18. (2022)


Schneider, M.A., Linecker, M., Fritsch, R., Muehlematter, U.J., Stocker, D., Pestalozzi, B., Samaras, P., Jetter, A., Kron, P., Petrowsky, H., Nicolau, C., Lehn, J.M., Humar, B., Graf, R., Clavien, P.A., and Limani, P. Phase Ib dose-escalation study of the hypoxia-modifier Myo-inositol trispyrophosphate in patients with hepatopancreatobiliary tumors. Nat Commun 12, 3807. (2021)


Montalban-Arques, A., Katkeviciute, E., Busenhart, P., Bircher, A., Wirbel, J., Zeller, G., Morsy, Y., Borsig, L., Glaus Garzon, J.F., Müller, A., Arnold, I.C., Artola-Boran, M., Krauthammer, M., Sintsova, A., Zamboni, N., Leventhal, G.E., Berchtold, L., de Wouters, T., Rogler, G., Baebler, K., Schwarzfischer, M., Hering, L., Olivares-Rivas, I., Atrott, K., Gottier, C., Lang, S., Boyman, O., Fritsch, R., Manz, M.G., Spalinger, M.R., and Scharl, M. Commensal Clostridiales strains mediate effective anti-cancer immune response against solid tumors. Cell Host Microbe 29, 1573-1588 e1577. (2021)


Lenggenhager, D., Bengs, S., Fritsch, R., Hussung, S., Busenhart, P., Endhardt, K., Töpfer, A., The, F.O., Bütikofer, S., Gubler, C., Scharl, M., and Morell, B. β6-Integrin Serves as a Potential Serum Marker for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Clin Transl Gastroenterol 12, e00395. (2021)


Catalano, A., Adlesic, M., Kaltenbacher, T., Klar, R.F.U., Albers, J., Seidel, P., Brandt, L.P., Hejhal, T., Busenhart, P., Röhner, N., Zodel, K., Fritsch, K., Wild, P.J., Duyster, J., Fritsch, R., Brummer, T., and Frew, I.J. Sensitivity and Resistance of Oncogenic RAS-Driven Tumors to Dual MEK and ERK Inhibition. Cancers (Basel) 13.


Birrer, D.L., Golcher, H., Casadei, R., Haile, S.R., Fritsch, R., Hussung, S., Brunner, T.B., Fietkau, R., Meyer, T., Grützmann, R., Merkel, S., Ricci, C., Ingaldi, C., Di Marco, M., Guido, A., Serra, C., Minni, F., Pestalozzi, B., Petrowsky, H., DeOliveira,M., Bechstein, W.O., Bruns, C.J., Oberkofler, C.E., Puhan, M., Lesurtel, M., Heinrich, S., and Clavien, P.A. Neoadjuvant Therapy for Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: A New Standard of Care. Pooled Data from Three Randomized Controlled Trials. Ann Surg 274, 713-720. (2021)


Akhoundova, D., Pietge, H., Hussung, S., Kiessling, M., Britschgi, C., Zoche, M., Rechsteiner, M., Weber, A., and Fritsch, R.M. Targeting Secondary and Tertiary Resistance to BRAF Inhibition in BRAF V600E-Mutated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. JCO Precis Oncol 5, 1082-1087. (2021)


Rittmann, M.C., Hussung, S., Braun, L.M., Klar, R.F.U., Biesel, E.A., Fichtner-Feigl, S., Fritsch, R., Wittel, U.A., and Ruess, D.A. Plasma biomarkers for prediction of early tumor recurrence after resection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Scientific reports 11, 7499. (2021)


Hussung, S., Akhoundova, D., Hipp, J., Follo, M., Klar, R.F.U., Philipp, U., Scherer, F., von Bubnoff, N., Duyster, J., Boerries, M., Wittel, U., and Fritsch, R.M. Longitudinal analysis of cell-free mutated KRAS and CA 19-9 predicts survival following curative resection of pancreatic cancer. BMC cancer 21, 49. (2021)


Hoefflin, R., Lazarou, A., Hess, M.E., Reiser, M., Wehrle, J., Metzger, P., Frey, A.V., Becker, H., Aumann, K., Berner, K., Boeker, M., Buettner, N., Dierks, C., Duque-Afonso, 11. J., Eisenblaetter, M., Erbes, T., Fritsch, R., Ge, I.X., Geißler, A.L., Grabbert, M., Heeg, S., Heiland, D.H., Hettmer, S., Kayser, G., Keller, A., Kleiber, A., Kutilina, A., Mehmed, L., Meiss, F., Poxleitner, P., Rawluk, J., Ruf, J., Schäfer, H., Scherer, F., Shoumariyeh, K., Tzschach, A., Peters, C., Brummer, T., Werner, M., Duyster, J., Lassmann, S., Miething, C., Boerries, M., Illert, A.L., and von Bubnoff, N. Transitioning the Molecular Tumor Board from Proof of Concept to Clinical Routine: A German Single-Center Analysis. Cancers (Basel) 13. (2021)


*Hipp, J., *Hussung, S., Timme-Bronsert, S., Boerries, M., Biesel, E., Fichtner-Feigl, S., *Fritsch, R., and *Wittel, U.A. Perioperative cell-free mutant KRAS dynamics in patients with pancreatic cancer. Br J Surg., 108, 239-243 (2021)

*equal contribution


Manz, S.M., Losa, M., Fritsch, R., and Scharl, M. Efficacy and side effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Therap Adv Gastroenterol 14, 17562848211002018. (2021)

Koeberle, D., and Fritsch, R. Targeting HER2 in Biliary Tract Carcinomas: Challenges and Opportunities. Oncol Res Treat, 44, 1-3. (2021)


De Dosso, S., Siebenhüner, A.R., Winder, T., Meisel, A., Fritsch, R., Astaras, C., Szturz, P., and Borner, M. Treatment landscape of metastatic pancreatic cancer. Cancer Treat Rev 96, 102180. (2021)


Birrer, D.L., Tschuor, C., Reiner, C., Fritsch, R., Pfammatter, T., Garcia Schüler, H., Pavic, M., De Oliveira, M., Petrowsky, H., Dutkowski, P., Oberkofler, C., and Clavien, P.A. Multimodal treatment strategies for colorectal liver metastases. Swiss Med Wkly 151, w20390. (2021)


Wehrle, J., Philipp, U., Jolic, M., Follo, M., Hussung, S., Waldeck, S., Deuter, M., Rassner, M., Braune, J., Rawluk, J., Greil, C., Waller, C.F., Becker, H., Duque-Afonso, J., Illert, A.L., Fritsch, R.M., Meiss, F., Duyster, J., von Bubnoff, N., and Scherer, F. Personalized Treatment Selection and Disease Monitoring Using Circulating Tumor DNA Profiling in Real-World Cancer Patient Management. Diagnostics (Basel) 10. (2020)


Petrowsky, H., Linecker, M., Raptis, D.A., Kuemmerli, C., Fritsch, R., Kirimker, O.E., Balci, D., Ratti, F., Aldrighetti, L., Voskanyan, S., Tomassini, F., Troisi, R.I., Bednarsch, J., Lurje, G., Fard-Aghaie, M.H., Reese, T., Oldhafer, K.J., Ghamarnejad, O., Mehrabi, A., Abraham, M.E.T., Truant, S., Pruvot, F.R., Hoti, E., Kambakamba, P., Capobianco, I., Nadalin, S., Fernandes, E.S.M., Kron, P., Lodge, P., Olthof, P.B., van Gulik, T., Castro-Benitez, C., Adam, R., Machado, M.A., Teutsch, M., Li, J., Scherer, M.N., Schlitt, H.J., Ardiles, V., de Santibañes, E., Brusadin, R., Lopez-Lopez, V., Robles-Campos, R., Malagó, M., Hernandez-Alejandro, R., and Clavien, P.A. First Long-term Oncologic Results of the ALPPS Procedure in a Large Cohort of Patients With Colorectal Liver Metastases. Ann Surg 272, 793-800. (2020)


Petrowsky, H., Fritsch, R., Guckenberger, M., De Oliveira, M.L., Dutkowski, P., and Clavien, P.A. Modern therapeutic approaches for the treatment of malignant liver tumours. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 17, 755-772. (2020)


Hussung, S., Follo, M., Klar, R.F.U., Michalczyk, S., Fritsch, K., Nollmann, F., Hipp, J., Duyster, J., Scherer, F., von Bubnoff, N., Boerries, M., Wittel, U., and Fritsch, R.M. Development and Clinical Validation of Discriminatory Multitarget Digital Droplet PCR Assays for the Detection of Hot Spot KRAS and NRAS Mutations in Cell-Free DNA. J Mol Diagn 22, 943-956. (2020)


Hussung, S., and Fritsch, R. Multi-target ddPCR Assays zur Detektion von KRAS- und NRAS-Mutationen. BIOspektrum 26, 629-634. (2020)


Braune, J., Keller, L., Schiller, F., Graf, E., Rafei-Shamsabadi, D., Wehrle, J., Follo, M., Philipp, U., Hussung, S., Pfeifer, D., Mix, M., Duyster, J., Fritsch, R., von Bubnoff, D., Meiss, F., and von Bubnoff, N. Circulating Tumor DNA Allows Early Treatment Monitoring in BRAF- and NRAS-Mutant Malignant Melanoma. JCO Precision Oncology, 20-31. (2020)


Braun, L.M., Lagies, S., Klar, R.F.U., Hussung, S., Fritsch, R.M., Kammerer, B., and Wittel, U.A. Metabolic Profiling of Early and Late Recurrent Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Using Patient-Derived Organoid Cultures. Cancers (Basel) 12. (2020)


Akhoundova, D., Hussung, S. and Fritsch, R. (2020). Precision Oncology for Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) Cancers: State of the Art and Future Directions. Healthbook Times Onco Hema 5, 52–59. (2020)


Lionarons, D.A., Hancock, D.C., Rana, S., East, P., Moore, C., Murillo, M.M., Carvalho, J., Spencer-Dene, B., Herbert, E., Stamp, G., Damry, D., Calado, D.P., Rosewell, I., Fritsch, R., Neubig, R.R., Molina-Arcas, M., and Downward, J. RAC1(P29S) Induces a Mesenchymal Phenotypic Switch via Serum Response Factor to Promote Melanoma Development and Therapy Resistance. Cancer cell 36, 68-83 e69. (2019)


Gkika, E., Strouthos, I., Kirste, S., Adebahr, S., Schultheiss, M., Bettinger, D., Fritsch, R., Brass, V., Maruschke, L., Neeff, H.P., Lang, S.A., Nestle, U., Grosu, A.L., and Brunner, T.B. Repeated SBRT for in- and out-of-field recurrences in the liver. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie: 195, 246-253. (2019)


Fritsch, R., and Hoeppner, J. Oxaliplatin in perioperative chemotherapy for gastric and gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma. Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology 13, 285-291. (2019)

Selected older publications

Fritsch, R., de Krijger, I., Fritsch, K., George, R., Reason, B., Kumar, M.S., Diefenbacher, M., Stamp, G., and Downward, J. RAS and RHO families of GTPases directly regulate distinct phosphoinositide 3-kinase isoforms. Cell 153, 1050-1063. (2013)


Fritsch, R., and Downward, J. SnapShot: Class I PI3K isoform signaling. Cell 154, 940-940 e941. (2013)

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